[wp-forums] Search - nicely hidden...

Peter Westwood peter.westwood at ftwr.co.uk
Tue Aug 23 16:44:03 GMT 2005

tg at tannagh.com wrote:
> ifelse <wordswithstyle at gmail.com> wrote on 08/23/2005, 03:23:37 PM:
>>>"Maybe put the search back at the top along with a little blurb about searching before posting"
>>That's not going to make much difference as 
>>a) People don't read.
>>b) people that aren't going to search before posting aren't going to
>>notice/take attention of instructions next to the search bar.
> <toungue loc='in cheek' style='planted:firmly'>Well, since that's the
> case, why bother having the search in the first place?</tounge>
> As a side note, would it be so bad to have the search both at the top
> and bottom of the forum pages then? I find it a little (just a little
> mind you) disconcerting that it's in the upper right through out the
> rest of the site, then suddenly "disappears" when I go into the forums.
> I do see the ben for having it at the bottom next to the New Topic
> section.... but for those comming to search immediately, that's a ways
> to go to get to it. 

Have your done a forced refresh on the page??

For me the search box is in the Top Right on All pages.

Peter Westwood

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