Re: Re: Re: [wp-forums] Search - nicely hidden...

tg at tg at
Tue Aug 23 16:32:02 GMT 2005

ifelse <wordswithstyle at> wrote on 08/23/2005, 03:23:37 PM:
> > "Maybe put the search back at the top along with a little blurb about searching before posting"
> That's not going to make much difference as 
> a) People don't read.
> b) people that aren't going to search before posting aren't going to
> notice/take attention of instructions next to the search bar.

<toungue loc='in cheek' style='planted:firmly'>Well, since that's the
case, why bother having the search in the first place?</tounge>

As a side note, would it be so bad to have the search both at the top
and bottom of the forum pages then? I find it a little (just a little
mind you) disconcerting that it's in the upper right through out the
rest of the site, then suddenly "disappears" when I go into the forums.

I do see the ben for having it at the bottom next to the New Topic
section.... but for those comming to search immediately, that's a ways
to go to get to it. 


> However, what may be useful is the following. When a user submits a
> post, do a quick lookup on common terms i.e. adsense, headers already
> returned, error 28. If any of these are found, then direct them to a
> dynamically generated page with codex links and a set of possible
> matches under the heading "these pages may be related to your query"
> as well as a final submit button.
> > "I also wonder if the tag list could be moved over there? It does take a conciderable amount of space. - just out of curiosity, does any one have any idea on how often those are actualy used? 
> I agree. Were it a personal tag list, then it's purpose at the top can
> be better justified but as it is right now, it's just a clutter. I've
> never used it and I'd be surprised if it provided useful support.
> Adding verbosity only muddles up the place.
> On 8/23/05, tg at  wrote:
> > 
> > Ick! On the WP front page ( it's in the upper
> > extreme right, and yes, it does look out of place.
> > 
> > But in the forums, it's now down at the bottom? And it seems to blend in
> > too. I agree that I'd like to see the side bar utilized a little more
> > too. Maybe put the search back at the top along with a little blurb
> > about searching before posting (maybe even a link to the Codex on how
> > to effectively search - sometimes in addition to knowing how to search,
> > sometimes the key is to know WHAT to search for, maybe suggest certain
> > keywords for certain problems (having this problem? Search for these
> > words), and maybe links to some pre-canned, commonly searched for items
> > - adsense? creating a theme? etc.)
> > 
> > I also wonder if the tag list that's at the top now, could be moved over
> > there? It does take a conciderable amount of space. - just out of
> > curiosity, does any one have any idea on how often those are actualy
> > used? I've only used them a couple of times, but mostly out of
> > curiosity.
> > 
> > Tg
> > 
> > Michael B  wrote on 08/23/2005, 08:30:08 AM:
> > >
> > _______________________________________________
> > wp-forums mailing list
> > wp-forums at
> >
> > 
> -- 
> Phu
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