[wp-forums] This list

Vicki Frei vkaryl at allvantage.com
Sat Aug 6 14:56:03 GMT 2005

Um.  I thought it was a list for people who spend a fair amount of time on
the support forum to help EACH OTHER with potential or real issues - like
for instance, "hey guys - it's really not all that helpful and even a bit
rude to simply throw a "bare" link at a poster with a problem, even if we
really think said poster should have searched first...." (yeah, I'm guilty
too....); or "yes, some people aren't very nice about help received, but we
should do our best to be polite anyway, since the support forum is what
tends to form peoples' feelings about wordpress"  (and it does, whether it
makes any sense or not....)

Anyway, I never thought it was a place for "elitist shock troops" or
whatever.... I also rather thought it was a place we could drop suggestions
for forum software implementations that would make the board itself easier
to use.... and I thought it was a list where we could try to settle our own 
tempers" as it were when people make it difficult to be nice....

What does Lorelle think it is?  I've read your posts Podz, so I think I got
what YOU thought.... I think.  I've been known to be wrong though -
frequently and repeatedly!

-------Original Message-------
From: Podz
Date: 08/06/05 08:42:03
To: wp-forums at lists.automattic.com
Subject: [wp-forums] This list
I thought this list was one thing.
Lorelle thinks it is something else.
This has been highlighted by a forum member who seems confused by what I
wrote, what the codex page says, what the forum replies are.
So what is it /precisely/ ?
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