[wp-edu] WordPress standalone html websites

Bill Dennen dennen at gmail.com
Wed Aug 28 16:06:45 UTC 2013

The unix tool wget has an archive option, which you can use for this sort of thing. It may not produce a perfect site but it will help get you there. 



On Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 12:03 PM, Benjamin Harwood <bharwood at skidmore.edu>

> Has anyone ever created an offline copy of a WordPress site that can be viewed as a standalone html website? A colleague has some beautiful sites that she'd like to take down yet preserve for offline viewing independent of WordPress. Short of printing all the materials out, it doesn't seem possible. Years ago, I used the free version of WinHTTrack website copier to create static copies of MovableType blogs. That solution worked great then but not so on WordPress multisite. Even when the sites are made public. Couldn't find any plugins that do this successfully either.  Thanks for any suggestions.
> Best,
> Ben
> Ben Harwood
> Academic Technologies
> Skidmore College
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