[wp-edu] Advocacy

D'Arcy Norman dlnorman at ucalgary.ca
Thu Nov 6 04:54:15 GMT 2008

One example of free-software advocacy and selling of services around  
the application of the software is FunnyMonkey.com - they happen to be  
using Drupal as a CMS, and Moodle, but the concepts map across pretty  

The software itself matters SO much less than the philosophy of  
openness. Once freedom is embraced, it matters surprisingly little  
which exact software is adopted.

Another company that is doing pretty well (including in the education  
field) is RainCityStudios.com - a Drupal shop out of Vancouver. Again,  
the concepts would map across to WordPress and WPMU very easily - set  
up infrastructure, sell services, support and consulting around the  
software, and build a community of people and companies who work with  
you. Great stuff.

- D'Arcy

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