[spam-stopper] 4 spams over the last day or so

Matt Mullenweg m at mullenweg.com
Fri Sep 30 11:15:41 UTC 2005

Melanie wrote:
> Plus, I noticed a larger number of real comments getting pushed into 
> moderation rather than going right out. I'd only ever had one real 
> comment go into moderation before, but I've had 4 or 5 real comments 
> land there since running this plugin. It's not terribly annoying to me, 
> since I don't get a high number of comments overall... but it's a rather 
> large percentage if you look at that. I'd imagine a more popular site 
> would find that frustrating. Or am I the only one seeing that?

There is probably something else in WP causing that, maybe limits on the 
number of links or having to approve untrusted commenters? The plugin 
just passes through whatever "comment status" came to it, it only 
changes it if it finds spam.

Matt Mullenweg
  http://photomatt.net | http://wordpress.org
http://pingomatic.com | http://cnet.com

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