[glotpress-updates] [GlotPress] #462: Make GlotPress a plugin?

GlotPress noreply at wordpress.org
Tue Jun 30 12:53:55 UTC 2015

#462: Make GlotPress a plugin?
  Reporter:  joostdevalk  |      Owner:
      Type:  enhancement  |     Status:  new
  Priority:  normal       |  Milestone:  Awaiting Review
 Component:  General      |    Version:
Resolution:               |   Keywords:
Changes (by Frank Klein):

 * cc: contact@… (added)


 Having GlotPress as a plugin seems like the right idea to me. This will
 allow development resource to focus on the features that improve the
 translator experience, instead of fixing the issues with things like user
 management, the installation process, etc. Bringing GlotPress closer to
 the WordPress codebase will hopefully result in more contributions.

 I consider that if the plugin route is selected, this would be the right
 time for making more changes to the development workflow. But that's a
 subject for later, and a different ticket.

Ticket URL: <https://glotpress.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/462#comment:6>
GlotPress <https://glotpress.trac.wordpress.org>
Easy comin', easy goin'

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