[glotpress-updates] [GlotPress] #342: Cleanup to locales.php

GlotPress noreply at wordpress.org
Tue Jul 8 18:38:51 UTC 2014

#342: Cleanup to locales.php
  Reporter:  stuwest             |      Owner:
      Type:  enhancement         |     Status:  new
  Priority:  normal              |  Milestone:
 Component:  locale information  |    Version:
Resolution:                      |   Keywords:  has-patch

Comment (by vanillalounge):

 I am all for making use of CLDR data, but this patch is simply too vast to
 validate against all possible use-cases and existing installations, not to
 mention [https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/28577 core WordPress i18n
 API logic]. Maybe separate in different steps so that we can have a
 dedicated discussion for each issue?


 As to the name of a language, both in English and native, that really
 should be a matter for each translation team to decide. To give you an
 idea of the kinds of issues we're facing (just examples, not exhaustive);
 the '''pt_PT''' community, caught in the middle of a very polemic and
 artificial spelling reform, refuses to adhere to it (like most of the
 country) and still capitalizes the language name (i.e. "Português" and not
 "português"). '''zn-ch''' is a whole other discussion, as "Chinese" is
 really [http://www.ethnologue.com/language/zho/view a macro-language] and
 not a specific variant.

Ticket URL: <https://glotpress.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/342#comment:1>
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