[wp-testers] Custom post-type, custom taxonomies and menus

Lox lox.dev at knc.nc
Sat May 29 00:20:07 UTC 2010


I am investigating the new post-type functionality.

I have managed to add, using a plug-in, a custom post-type with a
custom taxonomy. That is really nice. I also found the option to have
my new post-type's posts and my taxonomies items to be available in
the new custom menu manager.

But, I still miss the ability to add a menu entry to the root my new
taxonomy, ex: I add two items for my custom taxonomy: "category 1" and
 "category 2". I then go' to my custom menu. I can link to "category
1" and  "category 2" but not to the root of the taxonomy with should
display post from "category 1" AND from "category 2". Also please note
that the rewrite rule for such a page is not created either.

with a custom taxonomy called taxo, with a rewrite parameter set to
- http://mysite.com/taxo/category/category_1 correctly shows posts
from category 1
- http://mysite.com/taxo/category/ shows a 404 error instead of all
posts of the taxonomy

That said, I also miss a page that lists all taxonomies. I know I can
do a custom post template with a php function that does it, but in the
scope of creating a plugin that provides a custom post-type, it can't
be achieved (correct if I am wrong)

Basically here is an example of the behavior I expect to have with
custom post type:

- a custom post-type called Folio and a custom taxonomy for it called
"Categories for Folio"
- the first has a rewrite parameter set to 'folio' the second has a
rewrite parameter set to folio/category

Current behavior (WP 3.0 Rc1)

=> http://mysite.com/folio shows all posts of any taxonomy, but cannot
be linked to in a custom menu
=> http://mysite.com/folio/item1  shows me the item1 post correctly
=> http://mysite.com/folio/category/test shows me the test category
=> http://mysite.com/folio/category/ shows me 404 not found and can't
be linked to from the menu manager

Ideal goal

My ideal goal would be:
=> http://mysite.com/folio lists all taxonomies for the post type folio
=> http://mysite.com/folio/category lists all 'category' taxonomy
items first and then all posts attached to taxonomy root
=> http://mysite.com/folio/category/category1 lists first all
sub-taxonomies of all 'category1' and then all post of category1 of
folio taxonomy
=> http://mysite.com/folio/category/mypost shows the post 'mypost'
witch is in folio taxonomy, test item

And all those have to be available as items in the menu manager

Is that goal reachable ?

lox.dev at knc.nc

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