[wp-testers] Right Now module in Dashboard

due chiacchiere info at duechiacchiere.it
Tue Oct 21 20:38:59 GMT 2008

Musing Minds wrote:
> Yes, they are doing a great job but it's our job to complain!

Ok, don't wanna keep up this discussion anymore. But our job is NOT to 
complain. Is to suggest solutions, and to GIVE something to the 
community. If you JUST complain, you are acting like a flea which sucks 
developers' blood :) Complaining AND giving ideas is still ok. What do 
you do to actively contribute to the Wordpress community? Anyway... 
sorry for the flame, but in Italy we say "don't look a gift horse in the 
mouth" (do not be critical of a gift). Wordpress is a gift! Don't forget 
it :)


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