[wp-testers] Got a question hopefully it can be answered

katspixels admin at katspixels.com
Thu Oct 4 23:55:06 GMT 2007

I haven't installed the google plugins that are offered for word press 
but for some reason when i try to validate it gives me that the DOCTYPE 
and a few other things don't exist or don't belong..

this is what i see by viewing the code in IE exact copy and paste from 
IE..... This is what is about the doctype... and I am curious on where 
to locate this in the files that are offered in the newest version of 
WP2.3 Thank you for the time to answer this issue.... Kathleen

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            <div class="post" id="post-7">
                <h2><a href="http://valunicorn.com/?p=7" rel="bookmark" 
title="Permanent Link to Script issues">Script issues</a></h2>
                <small>October 4th, 2007 <!-- by Scratches --></small>

                <div class="entry">
                    <p class="moods">Current Mood:<img 
src="/wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_confused.gif" alt="Confused 
emoticon" /> Confused</p><p>Hello<br />
Has anyone noticed that some of the scripts we use in FF aren&#8217;t 
working to keep drag and drop from working and right clicking on 
pages..  If so please post a suggestion here&#8230;.. in this post.  
Thank you</p>
&nbsp;&nbsp;<div class="meta"></div>                </div>

                <p class="postmetadata"> Posted in <a 
href="http://valunicorn.com/?cat=3" title="View all posts in Messages" 
rel="category">Messages</a> |   <a 
href="http://valunicorn.com/?p=7#respond" title="Comment on Script 
issues">No Comments &#187;</a></p>

            <div class="post" id="post-6">
                <h2><a href="http://valunicorn.com/?p=6" rel="bookmark" 
title="Permanent Link to Well if i could find tutorials :::">Well if i 
could find tutorials :::</a></h2>
                <small>October 2nd, 2007 <!-- by Scratches --></small>

                <div class="entry">
                    <p class="moods">Current Mood:<img 
src="/wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_confused.gif" alt="Confused 
emoticon" /> Confused</p><p>Well if i could find tutorials for working 
with the templates that have the different coding in them with all the 
new widgets, tags etc&#8230; Would be greatly helpful lol&#8230; how to 
work with all the new php files in the default folder it would be 
fantastic but as you can see those that create haven&#8217;t gotten that 
far with the tutorial part or faq or manual to show how to make the 
themes validate and such yet..</p>
&nbsp;&nbsp;<div class="meta">Mood :&nbsp;amused</div>                </div>

                <p class="postmetadata"> Posted in <a 
href="http://valunicorn.com/?cat=3" title="View all posts in Messages" 
rel="category">Messages</a> |   <span>Comments Off</span></p>

            <div class="post" id="post-3">
                <h2><a href="http://valunicorn.com/?p=3" rel="bookmark" 
title="Permanent Link to Well I guess with widgets and the way Wordpress 
is coded now">Well I guess with widgets and the way Wordpress is coded 
                <small>October 1st, 2007 <!-- by Scratches --></small>

                <div class="entry">
                    <p class="moods">Current Mood:<img 
src="/wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_cry.gif" alt="Sad emoticon" /> 
Sad</p><p>Talk about major headahces lol&#8230; I have been fighting 
with a new theme all day when i upload to work here for the site oh no 
can&#8217;t do that unfortunately being that WP 2.3 doesn&#8217;t 
validate with my old themes very well and doesn&#8217;t line up in IE at 
all and my issues with NRC scripts not working right&#8230; I have to 
work from scratch on a new theme using the new setup in WP so may take 
me a bit longer but I am going to go ahead and put up my text links for 
my memberships and will add webrings later on tomorrow after my dentist 
appointment. It is just getting to be a handful figuring this out will 
get it&#8230;</p>
<p>All themes will have to be revised to work with Widgets and the 
coding that comes within the new versions of WP so bare with all changes 
to Kats Pixels&#8230; Thank you</p>
&nbsp;&nbsp;<div class="meta">Mood :&nbsp;blah</div>                </div>

                <p class="postmetadata"> Posted in <a 
href="http://valunicorn.com/?cat=3" title="View all posts in Messages" 
rel="category">Messages</a> |   <span>Comments Off</span></p>

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