[wp-testers] Re: utw tag format > wp tag

spencerp spencerp1 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 25 13:59:36 GMT 2007

Crap, in my examples I mean like this:
> domain.net/id/tag/jack_be_nimble (=> 404.) - for old UTW tags...
> domain.net/id/tag/jack-be-nimble (=> Good Result.) - for current 
> WordPress Tags...
> Is there a way to maybe keep/save/ the UTW tag format like that, and 
> maybe have WordPress catch it or take over old UTW 
> format/functionality/output or whatever? So it would be like...
> UTW TAG: domain.net/id/tag/jack_be_nimble =>
> WP TAG: domain.net/id/tag/jack-be-nimble (WordPress catch)
> (WP TAG NEW: domain.net/id/tag/jack_be_nimble (WordPress catch2)
Underscores for "spaces" in tag separation: word _ tag _ space (without 
spacing there of course)

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