[wp-testers] Inline Uploading of anything other than images - icons not working

Ryan Scheuermann ryan at concept64.com
Fri Jan 20 15:07:24 GMT 2006

Hey all,

I couldn't find the ticket for this issue anywhere, and I'm running off 
the latest nightly.  WinXP, FF1.5. 

When I upload an MP3 using inline-uploading.php, in the "Options" pane, 
I try to toggle between Using Title/Using Filename/Using Icon - and when 
I "Send to editor" it always uses the title (no matter what option I 

The problem is in this Javascript function (inline-uploading.php - lines 

function toggleOtherIcon(n) {
    od = document.getElementById('div'+n);
    o = document.getElementById('p'+n);
    oi = document.getElementById('I'+n);
    if ( oi.innerHTML == htmldecode(usingtitle) ) {
        o.innerHTML = filename[n];
        oi.innerHTML = usingfilename;
    } else if ( oi.innerHTML == htmldecode(usingfilename) && icon[n] != 
'' ) {
        o.innerHTML = icon[n];
        oi.innerHTML = usingicon;
    } else {
        o.innerHTML = title[n];
        oi.innerHTML = usingtitle;
    if ( oi.innerHTML == usingicon )
        od.className = 'otherwrap usingicon';
        od.className = 'otherwrap usingtext';

This function just needs an "updateOtherIcon" function like the 
"updateImage" function to correctly update the DIV's innerHTML.  I 
imagine this issue is a problem with any other uploaded file, not just 
MP3's.  I'd gladly fix this issue, but I'm sure someone else with more 
intimate knowledge of the code would be better suited.

Ryan Scheuermann

Concept 64, Inc. | Phone: 610.349.0703 | Web: www.concept64.com

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