[wp-testers] Wrong date when importing from Movable Type 3.2..

Aaron Brazell aaron at technosailor.com
Mon Jan 2 17:17:07 GMT 2006

> > The date in the exported files is correct ex. "DATE: 03/22/2005 05:03:42
> > FM"
> Forgive me, but what timezone is FM? I don't see it listed here
> http://www.timeanddate.com/library/abbreviations/timezones/ and I'm sure
> the importer is throwing up because of line 262 of the importer...
> $post_modified = strtotime($value);
> If strtotime() can't find the timezone it doesn't know how to interpret
> that date string... And if MT is using their own definitions of timezones,
> then 1) they are being tremendously unhelpful and 2) we should know what
> those definitions are...

Now I'm confused. I did a little more research on the MT export format and an example is provided here (http://lemonodor.com/archives/000730.html).

Which begs the question, is that FM a typo on your part or did MT really export an FM? It should be AM or PM...

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