[wp-pro] PDFs and mp3s in Media Library -- need to display by category

Sara Cormeny sara at paperlantern.com
Wed Mar 3 19:08:36 UTC 2010

Hi, I'm working on a website for an academic institution in the US with a medium-sized collection of PDFs for the website.  I'd like to have more options to make it easier for PDFs that are in the Media Library, to be found and linked to on the web site.

Right now in addition to the basic Media Library in WP 2.9.2, I'm using the plugins Media Library Plus by ShibaShake which lets me add categories and tags to all individual items in the Media Library, and to create category-based and tag-based Galleries (independent of attaching items to a post or page).

So what I would like to do now is find someone to develop me a shortcode function that will let me add the list of PDFs and mp3s in a particular Media Library Plus-based Gallery.

Each item on the list should include a small PDF graphic icon or MP3 icon depending on the filetype, the title, the description, and the filesize (if possible).  A bulleted list is fine. Reverse-chron order is fine.  Linking to the media page is preferable, I think.

I have looked at the plugin EG-Attachments, which can give me a good-looking list of the PDF files attached to a particular post or page, but I do not want to have to attach the files from the Media Library in order for them to be listed on a page or post.

I've also looked at the shortcode function at http://wordpress.org/extend/ideas/topic/expand-the-media-library-options?rate=5&topic_id=1707&_wpnonce=68d99094ea (it's in the seventh post, by skila), but I am too much of a php n00b to figure out how/whether it might be valuable to me.

I'd also like the PDFs and mp3s to be findable in the search engine -- really, for me that means that everything in the media library including jpegs etc. could be findable by the search engine, based on the titles and descriptions of the items (ie, I'm not asking someone to add any function to search the entire contents of the PDF, just the title, caption and description).

Please be in touch via email if you are interested and could turn this around by the end of the week.



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