[wp-pro] Blog update to latest version and few other minor issues

admin at spaparazzi.com admin at spaparazzi.com
Mon Feb 18 16:28:21 GMT 2008


We have 2 blogs, both of which have some issues that need addressed. However there are a few issues with each, that really need addressed. 

The first blog is this: http://wwwspaparazzi.com which is currently running 2.1, which need updated to the latest version of WP but I've been afraid to do this, in case it messes things up in a big way. So I am more comfortable with someone doing this who has experience. The WP template we are currently running is Tulip Time but we have revamped it almost completely as far as colors, logo and all. So we don't want to lose our current content. Now we are also open to going with an entirely different theme for a "fresh look" as well if someone would have a suggestion.    

Another issue we see, is that when you minimize the screen, to where the blog appears smaller, everything gets jumbled up which gives it a less than professional look. The sidebars on both sides move to the center, which is so annoying. We would also like a tag cloud in the side bar or below each post. 

Our other blog: http://affluentbride.com/wedding-blog/ seems to be OK for the moment although there are a couple things I would like to implement on there such as tag cloud, recent posts, calender, but afraid it will ovewrite the current sidebar's contents. 

We do have the current version of WP installed on this blog (as it's newer) and obviously we can "drag" those widgets over for such, under available widgets to the default sidebar but my thoughts are it will ERASE the entire sidebar contents that are there already. So its a bit confusing and of course we want to keep the current sidebar as you see it now, just add those widgets mentioned. I actually would not mind having the tags to appear below each post instead, (versus a tag cloud in the side bar) if that is a preferred method.   

So all in all I would need someone to address both blogs for some minor issues. 

If anyone could help, please reply with a quote to admin at spaparazzi.com  or call to discuss it at either 330-833-8816 or 330-830-9332, I'd sure appreciate it. (please leave a message should you receive VM, for any reason) Obviously I don't want to spend a fortune here, for obvious reason, so hopefully someone can do this for a reasonable fee.  

Thanks in advance.
Brenda Lopez
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