[wp-pro] Seeking developer for calendar plugin

Miriam Schwab mschwab at illuminea.com
Thu Dec 11 11:25:04 GMT 2008


We are looking for someone to develop a WordPress calendar plugin according
to the specifications listed below. Be prepared: the description is veeerrry
lengthy and detailed. Also, please note that once we've implemented it for
this client, we plan to release it under GPL to the WordPress community.

We believe that this plugin can be developed based on WordPress' posts
functionality, i.e. adding each event as a post in a category called Events
which is then excluded from the main feed of posts, and using Custom Fields
for the various details that need to be entered for every post.

   - Each event's City and/or Topic could be a category
   - The info like gender, language, etc. can be done through custom fields.
   - When an event organizer adds an event, the event gets entered as a post
   and sent to the staff for approval before its posted.

There are a few snags we can't solve ourselves, like how to add recurring
events so that a post appears for multiple dates, how to set up the custom
fields correctly so that they are user-friendly and not dependent on
entering keys etc., how to show results from the search that are only from
the current day forward, and how to create a special panel in the admin for
entering events.


The ability to enter events with the following fields:

   - Event Title
   - Event Description
   - Event Date (with ability to add recurring weekly and monthly events)
   - Event Start Time and End Time
   - Speaker
   - Topic/Category - set list of topics available to select from drop-down
   - City - set list of cities in dropdown
   - Address - free text
   - Event language - a few options to choose from in dropdown
   - Contact Info

*Sidebar Advanced Search box*: In the sidebar we'll need an advanced search
feature that allows visitors to search for events with the following filter

   - date with clickable dates on a pop-up calendar
   - location/region - dropdown of regions
   - topic - dropdown of topics
   - keyword - free text search

*Event Listings Page:* On the results page that lists events, we'll need to
list 15 results at a time with an option to click "next" to see the next 15
results. The results should be listed as following

*Title of Page: "Events Listings"*

*Event Title*
November 4, 2008 at 4:00pm
City | Category/Topic

Excerpt description...*more*

*Event Title 2*
November 4, 2008 at 4:00pm
City | Category/Topic

Excerpt description...*more*

*Event Title* *3*
November 4, 2008 at 4:00pm
City | Category/Topic

Excerpt description...*more*

*Individual Event Page* - when a visitor clicks 'more details', they come to
a page that looks like this:

*"Event Title"*
Tuesday, November 1, 2008 at 6:00 pm

*Location: *Address, City
*Topic/Category:* Business
*Speaker:* Mr. Smith
*Contact Info:* free text

More free text info like how much they love events and blah blah blah. More
free text info like how much they love events and blah blah blah. More free
text info like how much they love events and blah blah blah. More free text
info like how much they love events and blah blah blah. More free text info
like how much they love events and blah blah blah.
Adding New Events - *We need event organizers to be able to add events in
the WordPress admin that will then be sent for approval to the site's owners

*Extra Feature* - If possible, could we create an RSS feed for all upcoming

My contact details are below.


Miriam Schwab
illuminea marketing & media
T: 972.2.566.0297
C: 972.54.571.0624
mschwab at illuminea.com

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