[wp-pro] Work needed: ironing out some bugs

Steven Vu stevenvu at gmail.com
Thu May 3 22:35:56 GMT 2007

Thank god I found this list. I'm trying to set up an online shop. The
website is http://testteachtuition.com

I've managed to get it working but there are a few bugs that I need to
iron out. I'm just sadly not a web developing whizz.

These include:

Creating a forum

I'm currently setting up wp-forum at
http://testteachtuition.com/11_plus/forum/ but would rather people
didn't have to get their random password and then login to wordpress,
find the profile page and then change their password. I think the
backend profile page is quite ugly to be honest. I don't think many
people could stick up for it. I also don't like the wp-register.php and
wp-login.php page. They also suck (Pretty much the only thing that sucks
with wordpress). I run James Kelly's themed login page -
http://www.jameskelly.org/wordpress-plugins/custom-login-and-registration-forms-plugin/ to get rid of those ugly wp-register.php and wp-login.php pages. You can see this here: http://testteachtuition.com/wp-login.php

I'd like someone to create a plugin that works similar to James Kelly's
plugin except that it also allows the user to define their own password.
I don't think spam bots will be much of an issue. The website isn't the
largest in the world and I don't have any posts to comment on.


The wp-forum allows users to post as a guest. That's great. Problem is
all guest posts are labelled as guests. Users can't define their name.
It's probably to persuade people to register but I don't depend on that.
I'd rather have a busier forum.


I'm setting up an online shop using wp-ecommerce lite -
http://www.instinct.co.nz/e-commerce . The shop is adequate for what I
need. The problem is it uses jQuery which conflicts with geopress -
http://testteachtuition.com/11_plus/location/ . Currently it works
because I've just deleted jQuery from the wp-ecommerce directory. The
shop works but I get JS errors.


A pretty small issue which bugs me. I use nifty corners to round the
corners on the frontpage - http://testteachtuition.com/ . Because I've
added the script in header.php the script tries to find those boxes on
every page. This means I an error appears on the console.


Well there you go. I hope i've given you enough detail and haven't
broken some cardinal rule. Please provide quotes to the following issues
you believe you can fix. I don't expect you to be able or inclined to
fix them all. I'm also not rich. 

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