[wp-pro] Baby Scrapbooking site using WPMU...

Ray Hernandez rhernandez88 at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 25 22:17:58 GMT 2006

Hey guys,

Not sure if anyone is available, but I have a project
I'm looking to get built using wordpress mu as the
core.  This is purely a backend development job, since
I've already done the design and am currently working
on the front end.  I'm thinking it's easier to get a
feel for what I want by looking so here are all the

user:  test
pass:  view2

Mu basically works just how I envision the baby site
working, it would just be finding or creating plugins
to do the smaller changes I want done on the site. 
For instance:  a private email system between members
on one blog, a way to grab exif data from photos when
uploading then backdating posts to those dates, a way
to create multiple posts on one page, etc.

Obviously there are a lot of small add ons needed to
make this site work. So if after you take a look at
the mocks, you're interested.  I'd love to chat about
all the details.  I hope you guys can help.

Thanks in advance

Ray Hernandez


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