[wp-pro] Room Booking Plugin

Richard Brown rich at cregy.co.uk
Wed Oct 11 06:17:12 GMT 2006

Hi Guys

I have need of a very simple room booking plugin. I want to use the 
calendar to display colours. Room one - purple, room two - green, etc. 
Users will then be able to see very quickly what availability there is.

I am wondering whether it would be possible to use RS Event to do this 
by adding some code so that when it sees a certain something in content 
it shows a colour instead of the post item. Is this possible please? If 
not how easy/quick would it be to write a plugin that would use the 
calendar in such a way please?

Many thanks.
Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. 
Romans 12 v 1

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