[wp-hackers] Re: Plugin Makes Top Bar in Admin Panel Go White

Matt speedboxer at gmail.com
Tue Aug 28 23:12:51 GMT 2007

Found the problem. I had saved the file with the encoding UTF-8, when I
saved it as ANSI, it was fine.

On 8/28/07, Matt <speedboxer at gmail.com> wrote:
> I made a very simple plugin so that I could get rid of the &raquo; and
> space before the title in wp_title();. I used the following code:
> function mgf_filter_wp_title($content) {
>  $content = str_replace("&raquo; ", "", $content);
>  return $content;
> }
> add_filter('wp_title', 'mgf_filter_wp_title');
> When I activated the plugin, the bar at the top of the Admin pages that
> has "Howdy, user. [Sign Out, My Profile]" turned white (the background
> colour of it was white). When I deactivated the plugin, it went back to
> normal.
> This only appears to happen in IE7, not Firefox.
> Anybody know why this is happening?
> --
> Matt (speedboxer at gmail.com)
> http://mattsblog.ca/ | http://livemp.net/

Matt (speedboxer at gmail.com)
http://mattsblog.ca/ | http://livemp.net/

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