[wp-forums] Highlighting great answers

Mark Riley mark at automattic.com
Tue May 27 10:30:31 UTC 2014


Thinking about ways to help new contributors, help those searching and also
highlight excellent answers I wondered if it would be useful to start
tagging such replies.

For instance, someone posts a problem and Bill replies with a model answer.
That answer is great for the user, great if you read it but otherwise lost?
Tagging it gives a new contributor a way to read and gain more knowledge to
help, it means as WP develops such replies can find their way to a handbook
or other resource and maybe if search changes they could be flagged up as
possible answers.

Another example. Someone posts but their problem is not well defined. The
replies they get help define the issue, do not confuse the user and the
result is a solved issue. Teasing out what the problem is can also be an
issue and doing it well is a valuable skill.

Is this worth doing?

If you think so I am happy to compile a list of those tagged each week to
post here. Could even make a weekly Information post to the forums also to
raise the level of awareness of it.


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