[wp-forums] wp-forums Digest, Vol 109, Issue 11

Ipstenu the Half-Elf ipstenu at halfelf.org
Wed Jun 18 01:04:37 UTC 2014

Dot, as the OTHER plugin person who replied to you, I would like to 
point out that both times you said "But this is a real person!" we 
checked, said sorry, and reinstated the account. We're really forgiving 
about a lot of things, but ... Honestly I'm not sure what you want to 
hear now?

We're sorry that LEGIT accounts were caught up in a sweep caused by 
someone in your company engaging in bad behavior.

Also 'bozo' is not a pejorative here, it's actually a technical term for 
'User who has to have their posts approved before being seen.' It's not 
the best term, we know, but it's what bbPress 1.x came with. So when you 
hear someone say "I marked Otto as a bozo" it means "I marked Otto so we 
have to approve his posts manually." Nothing more.

> Dot 07 <mailto:dot07.com at gmail.com>
> 17 June, 2014 at 4:46:03PM
> Hi All,
> LOL.. actually there seems to be a lot of presumption going on. I'm 
> neither angry nor trying to promote that you have a policy that 
> doesn't exist. What I find interesting is the freedom of the 
> moderators to presume and make errors in judgement, but anyone else is 
> a bozo.. Now that is funny.
> I have responded to Otto and will address any misunderstandings I have 
> had with him. Thanks for the amusing responses though.
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Mika A Epstein (aka Ipstenu)
http://ipstenu.org | http://halfelf.org

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