[wp-forums] Reminder: Don't UNDELETE your moderated replies

Ipstenu the Half-Elf ipstenu at halfelf.org
Mon Jan 27 15:19:12 UTC 2014

This is a blanket reminder. If you (as a mod) have a post that gets 
mod-deleted by someone else DO NOT UNDELETE IT.

If someone else sees my post and things "Woah, Mika was way out of line, 
I'm deleting that!" then it's time I sit the hell on my own hands and 
walk away. So when this happens to you, and it will (its happened to 
everyone), LEAVE THE POST ALONE. In fact, this is a MASSIVE CLUE to you. 

Did I just shout at everyone? Betcher butts I did.

Guys, we are a team, we are here for each other. But that means we have 
to trust each other too. If a fellow mod thinks you've gone a step too 
far, trust them. If you're sure they're wrong then post here and ask 
"Hey, who deleted my comments?" Also if you do delete a mod post, a 
polite email to them "Hey, Mika, I saw this post and though you had your 
angry on, so I deleted it. I think maybe it's time for a break." is a 
GOOD THING :) Don't wait for WP Moms to come down. Be excellent to each 
other and be friends.

Okay? Stop posting with your angry on. You're helping no one, least of 
all yourself.

Be reasonable. Don't post when angry, don't delete another person's post 
out of petty vendettas, and don't attack people. See? It's easy. :)

Mika A Epstein (aka Ipstenu)
http://ipstenu.org | http://halfelf.org

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