[wp-forums] Requests and Feedback isn't How-To and Troubleshooting

Jan Dembowski jan at dembowski.net
Sat Jan 25 12:56:39 UTC 2014

Good morning,

*Drinks more coffee, coffee is good.*

Just a reminder: if someone's got a problem *that needs fixing* in the
Requests and Feedback forum then please direct them to open a support topic
in How-To and Troubleshooting.

There's a topic where members are complaining about the automatic updates
for minor point releases in that sub-forum. That's fine cause it's a
feedback sub-forum. But as I found out with the 3.8 MP6 admin styled
feedback (oh boy, did I) sometimes there's not really anything that you can
suggest that will make that user satisfied.

Explain to the user the rationale behind the WordPress development
decision, suggest a work around and consider walking away. Venting is
alright (it's a form of feedback and could reveal a problem) but getting
into it and going round in circles may not be the best way to handle that


Jan Dembowski

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