[wp-forums] Fwd: Unable to delete posts

Joost de Valk joost at yoast.com
Sat Feb 1 19:10:58 UTC 2014

Might be good to announce this to plugin & theme devs too as they'll loose WordPress.org URLs from their referrers in analytics if their site is still on HTTP...—
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On Sat, Feb 1, 2014 at 8:06 PM, Otto <otto at ottodestruct.com> wrote:

> I'm not having any problems personally *but* we are just now starting to
> make a lot of SSL changes live. All admin functions are now SSL-only. Any
> non-SSL links to do admin stuffs that might still be around just won't work.
> So, my recommendation to everybody having problems:
> 1. Delete all your WordPress.org cookies. Sorry. New protocol means new
> cookies.
> 2. Begin to visit the WordPress.org site *only* via SSL. You can even use
> HTTPS-Everywhere if you like.
> 3. Eventually, we'll be 100% SSL, period. So you might as well start trying
> it now and actively helping us find the broken stuff.
> Most things should be all working now. We're forcing SSL on our test
> systems and I've been using it that way for a week or two. So we're
> actively looking for those "broken locks" and other places where things
> ain't working quite right. You can report any issues to me and we'll start
> sorting them out.
> BTW, I know the plugins directory isn't all happy with SSL yet, don't
> bother me with that, working on it. The themes directory should be
> good-to-go though.
> -Otto
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