[wp-forums] mod watch...

John Fridinger crzyhrse at gilanet.com
Wed Aug 27 22:17:47 UTC 2014


I’ve been receiving the wp-forums list for a  month or two, and have looked through the list's archives back to April or so, partly because I wanted to get a sense of the terrain before I wrote. The codex page where I found the link that brought me here says, more or less, that the list is for moderators and other WP volunteers to discuss issues with the support forum itself, and for folks who want to help make the forum better for communication.   My intention now is to engage with that in mind…

Around the beginning of May I was briefly banned, and since then I have been on mod watch, with my new topics moderated.  At least that seems to be the only explanation for why my new topics are not getting posted right away.  

With all due respect I would like to ask that that to be ended, that I be removed from mod watch. 

 I’ve seen from discussion here that it is believed that being moderated is not a limitation on anyone.  Actually though, it is, at least for some.  The limitation/difficulty for me is that I am unable to edit my posts in the short time that is allowed for editing after they are posted. 

 Almost invariably, no matter how much I try to get it right, after I post a topic and then view it via its posted format/perspective there is editing I want to make.  Perhaps a typo or missed word, and/or often enough more info I want to add, change or delete for clarity and helpfulness…  I have not been able to do that now since the beginning of May…  

I have been a WP forum member for about a year, and there are presently around four pages of my threads and replies.  I don’t believe anyone looking through them, irregardless of how much time they might spend, will find any reason at all for me to continue to be moderated.

I suspect that the moderator who did the banning and put me on mod watch and I would still not agree on the actuality of the situation when they entered the thread, or on all the contributing factors feeding the energy of the escalation between us.  

But never-the-less and without question, the situation did escalate to a point that the moderator had no choice but to block me from posting for a little while.  I am not unwilling to discuss how it came to that, but only if it would be helpful in terms of moderation.  Otherwise it is water under the bridge for me, and was so very shortly after.  And, with that said, I also gained some valuable learning from the episode and am grateful for the opportunity, as painful as it was for the bit of time it took place. 

Communication…  That seems to be the WP forums in a nutshell.  Communication is also important to me.  Segueing off what the codex said, maybe I can go beyond asking to get off mod watch and also offer to be helpful.  I have been on the “Make Wordpress Core" mailing list for a few months now, even though I don’t for the most part code.  I am fascinated by Wordpress.org and what it has and is doing regarding world community, and have been watching and learning whenever there is time and opportunity.

Following this email list has given me a greater sense what it takes to enable continuing helpful communication amongst sooo much diversity, so many different people variables, variables beyond imagining really...

So, both a request and a hesitant offer. and I’ll leave it here…

Kind regards,

John Fridinger, aka crzyhrse

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