[wp-forums] Say it once and be done with it?

Jan Dembowski jan at dembowski.net
Wed Jun 12 18:27:43 UTC 2013

Joni's correct in that sometimes it's a knee jerk reaction. It gets
compounded when a bunch of us reply and cross post; that happens a lot. **Looks
at Jennifer and Andrew's direction slyly and laughs ;) **

I'm trying to train myself to use that "we don't support that here" with
theme issues *while* also providing support when applicable.

As an example, I just replied to a theme where the OP probably has a theme
problem with video embeds. It is almost certainly theme issue because the
when the user switched to the Twenty Eleven theme the page with the video
embed works fine.

But... I don't know how the OP embeded that YouTube video. If he's using
the oEmbed method and it's not working with his theme then aside from the
101 troubleshooting steps there's not much that can be done forum-wise.

If the user is pasting in the native YouTube supplied code (hard to tell
from the HTML source) then the OP can try the explicit oEmbed method which
may work.

Or not, I'm waiting to see what the response is. ;)

Jan Dembowski

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