[wp-forums] copy of wordshell

Mar Ventus marventus.wp at gmail.com
Fri Sep 28 14:11:20 UTC 2012

The answer to your question is in the license document itself:

>  It is provided to you via a service subscription. The service
> subscription is per-machine (where WordShell is installed – the websites
> managed themselves can be on any number of machines).

That means 2 things:
*a.* The license between the Dev and the User only comes into effect
through the act of purchasing a service. You have not purchased the
service, therefore, the license (GPL or not) does not apply to you;
*b.* Even if you did buy the service, you would not be able to distribute
the software because of the "per-machine" limitations.
Now, whether the license constitutes an actual GPL license is an entire
different matter. I don't think it does. However, even if it objectively
does not, that is still not grounds for violating that particular license,
regardless of anything else.


> I am mod :)

Indeed you are. And paraphrasing Spiderman: "with great power comes
great(ER?) responsibility", :-)

And I don't think saying 'Don't be a jerk' is ban-worthy. The other words
> (which yes, I was thinking) are. But I really can't think of another way to
> get the point across of how mean that is. I could very easily argue that
> what Stuart is asking for is theft. Given the context, I wouldn't even
> flinch if I saw that in the forums.

In the Forum Welcome, "calling people names" is listed as a potential cause
for a ban, and I understand that these are guiding principles more than
strict rules, but still... As to expressing certain points strongly, I am
all in favor of sending strong messages. Also, since I don't like being
told how to express myself, I try not to do it to others (unless they are
yelling or becoming agitated, etc.). However, I do see various ways to
convey an equally strong point without crossing the name-calling barrier.
In your latest reply, for instance, there was a perfect one IMHO, which
consisted of comparing Stuart's act to theft, but actually calling him a
thief. Others come to mind, such as questioning the morality of the act.

If you think I should be castigated for saying jerk

Not at all. I don't have the authority (neither moral nor factual) to make
that sort of decisions or suggestions, nor was it my intention to even go
down that road. I was simply trying to raise awareness over not crossing
certain limits when it comes to addressing issues that arise on the forums
or the lists. I don't know about you, but I really like the WP community (a
lot!), and I would hate it see it turning into your average "Battle
Royale", like most of the net is, nowadays. Now, don't get me wrong: we all
have our "I wanna murder this guy with a dull spoon" kind of moments when
confronted to certain user practices, sayings, attitudes or requests, and I
am certainly not an exception here. However, I think that the way in which
we choose to deal with said events has a major impact on future
occurrences. To put it differently, I believe we should try to avoid users
thinking something on the lines of "if mods and contributors don't respect
the rules, why should we, regular users?".
I'm gonna finish with another nerdy thought: since "some people just want
to watch the world burn", are we going to jump in with a torch and help
them, or bring out the big fire extinguishers and quench that mofo-ing
fire? :-)


On Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 10:25 AM, Mika A Epstein <ipstenu at ipstenu.org>wrote:

> Oh and its contact at wordshell.net. <mailto:contact at wordshell.net>
>> Mika A Epstein <mailto:ipstenu at ipstenu.org>
>> September 28, 2012 8:25 AM
>> Yes it is.
>> He is SELLING it. You are asking to take it and give it away.
>> GPL doesn't mean 'free as in beer.'
>> Of course you can, via the GPL, do this. I'm just saying you shouldn't.
>> I'll put it this way. If you steal a plugin from WPMU plugins and attempt
>> to put it up in the WordPress.org forums, you will be banned so fast your
>> head will spin. It's not a matter of GPL, it's a matter of humanity. Let us
>> not play Devs against Humanity.
>> Stuart Matthews <mailto:stuart at islogistics.com**>
>> September 28, 2012 8:23 AM
>> 1) I scoured his website and even the whois records for his email
>> address, couldn't find it. This was a choice of the dev to not be easily
>> found.
>> 2) If it is GPLv2 licensed, then it isn't a "jerk" thing to do. The
>> license specifically gives permission to share the software. You can't get
>> nerd credit for using GPL and then not be OK with people sharing the
>> software.
>> - Stuart
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