[wp-forums] dealing with fundamental CSS, PHP, and HTML topics?

Jane Wells jane at automattic.com
Thu Oct 4 19:18:44 UTC 2012

On 10/4/12 3:04 PM, Mika A Epstein wrote:
> Basically, I don't think the -free- forums is a good place for 
> supporting pay-for plugins and themes.
> There's responsibility on us to be good WP stewards, and a huge part 
> of that is encouraging community growth. We can't have growth without 
> respecting the devs who provide support for their products behind a 
> paywall. Think what you like about WPMUDev or Genesis - Their stuff is 
> behind a paywall. We owe it to them to send people back there.
And more to the point, wordpress.org is here to promote the free stuff. 
Our free support forums are meant for the free stuff that we distribute 
through our directories. Pointing people to the commercial support 
available for commercially-supported (a term I use instead of premium 
because I think it is more accurate) either a) reminds them that they 
have access to professional support for their purchased product, or b) 
lets them know the copy they got for free by unofficial means is in fact 
a commercial product and the creators provide support to offset the 
development costs.

It is completely okay to say that the wordpress.org support forums are 
meant for the core application, themes and plugins that are distributed 
on wordpress.org.

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