[wp-forums] number of plugin questions

esmi at quirm dot net esmi at quirm.net
Fri Sep 23 13:59:09 UTC 2011

on 23/09/2011 13:58 Michael Atkins said the following:
> If restructuring the forums is likely to be  considered in the
> future, I would suggest that 'Plugins and hacks' could renamed
> something like 'Plugins: for support of plugins hosted in Extend'&
> 'Hacks' renamed 'Plugin Development: For Plugin Coding Discussion'


About 1 in 5 or 6 posts in Hacks is actually about a site being hacked - 
which then has to be moved elsewhere. I appreciate that this is just 
semantics but the term "hack" has very different meanings - depending on 
your (lack of a) technical background. Given that the vast majority of 
posters are non-technical, forum titles should support common language 
usage - not geek-talk. Those with technical clue will already know where 
to post etc.


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