[wp-forums] Added com vs org warning to the forum welcome

Jane Wells jane at automattic.com
Thu Mar 10 10:16:08 UTC 2011

> I don't think that there were really that many negative reactions 
> about the Admin bar overall. It's just that those who hated it 
> *really* hated it.
FWIW, I argued against the admin bar within the lead dev group right up 
until we launched it, saying it should stay a plugin and that people 
would hate it with a passion (largely because I and a handful of 
contributing developers did). I was forced to eat some serious crow 
after monitoring the @wordpress twitter account.... mentions almost 
universally loved the admin bar, as Matt predicted. The few complaints 
about it were from control freaks like me or developers (i.e., control 
freaks like me, ha). Also, I've been won over myself. I set up a 
WordPress install for a neighbor/small business owner, and having her 
click the Edit Page button is a much simpler ramp up for a new user than 
the old 'open a new tab and type in wp-admin' or dual-bookmark system.

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