[wp-forums] Sending up the bat signal with needs-dev

esmi at quirm dot net esmi at quirm.net
Tue Jul 5 13:05:37 UTC 2011

on 05/07/2011 13:19 Andrew Nacin said the following:

>  Please do one or both of two things
> to get us there:
>    1. Tag the thread with needs-dev. I have that set up to email me.

I'll keep that in mind. Not seen anything yet that hasn't already been 
covered by Ipstenu's excellent Master List - though I have added a 
couple of plugins in the past few hours.

>    2. Idle in #wordpress-dev and post the link. Bonus points for mentioning
> 'nacin' otherwise I may not react.

<mutter> must get around to setting up in IRC client</mutter>

> Some things you might see, based on a cursory glance of issues so far:

>    1. If the error has to do with class-json.php, then they have a plugin
> that was doing it *really* wrong. Have them batch-deactivate. We should try
> to keep a list of plugins with this problem, as usual.

Already underway. Tweet This seems to be the most common culprit so far.

>    2. If a function like json_encode() or _decode() doesn't exist, then they
> have a really lame host. Depending on how many of these crop up, we're going
> to need to call some hosts (not the first time) and consider a fix in the
> eventual 3.2.1. Please alert me to ones like this.

Not seen anything like this so far. Will add the needs-dev tag when/if I do.

>    3. If their UI doesn't work -- visual editor, any JavaScript animations or
> actions, media popup, etc -- then they have a plugin that has a JavaScript
> conflict.
Pretty stand post-upgrade stuff really...

>    4. Anything else that triggers your spidey sense -- you know what to look
> for -- please get us there to weigh in.

Biggest possible issue I've noticed so far - Yahoo Business are still 
running PHP 4! Some business hosts they are.

> [0] My apologies for laughing at
> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/upgrade-to-v32-and-my-site-is-fucked?replies=39,
> but it was hilarious.

I think some people are just born with an over-developed anger gene and 
a double-dose of the "Getting on my high horse" genes. I have to say 
that Ipstenu's display of patience under fire was exemplary. Not sure I 
could have remained as patient for that long.


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