[wp-forums] Regarding Custom Titles

Mr mist listswpforum at mist.org.uk
Tue Sep 21 10:05:48 UTC 2010

In message <4C987DAA.2040007 at quirm.net>, esmi at quirm dot net 
<esmi at quirm.net> writes
> Doesn't matter who that person is or what their title means.

This, I think, is also quite important.  Asides from my being able to 
close a thread, I'm no more likely to know the answer to someone's 
question than any other user.  So, from that perspective, it makes no 

In fact, the only real difference is where someone is directly 
attempting to contact a mod or site admin. (And then we're not ideally 
set up for that because it depends how easily reachable each individual 
is on the Internet, not on their custom title or lack of.)

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