[wp-forums] To unspam or not to delete - that is the question...

Andrew Nacin wp at andrewnacin.com
Mon Sep 13 21:32:17 UTC 2010

On Mon, Sep 13, 2010 at 5:01 PM, James Huff <macmanx at gmail.com> wrote:
> Also, for those of you who saw my response, I didn't mean that the devs
> rarely visit the forums, I meant that they can't read every single thread.
>  Sorry if I made any enemies on that one.  It has been edited.

Yeah, I'm really mad about that one. ;)

I mean, it's true. I stick to Trac and let you guys do what you do best in
the forums. If there's a thread that requires a core dev for example, the
chance is almost zero that I'm going to stumble across it on my own. That
said, whenever assistance is requested, the developers are great about
jumping in, and I love jumping at the chance. Hence why I appreciate the
road flares.

Works well for potential bugs too... It's easy for me to stop by the forums
and address one of those, then they can be directed to Trac if it pans out.
Less bouncing around for all involved.

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