[wp-forums] self-linking rules?

Mr mist listswpforum at mist.org.uk
Wed Sep 1 06:57:57 UTC 2010

In message <4C7DBDC2.1040506 at edwards.org>, Mark E <mark at edwards.org> 
>So they write the text and pass it off to people willing to endure the 

And even that is reasonable.  If someone dumps a page of text in the 
Codex, then it's better than nothing.  Plus then folk like me can just 
go in and tidy up the text.

I'd prefer a Codex link to an external link in much the same way as I 
prefer people to write Codex pages with information on them, rather than 
just create a Codex page that's a link to someplace else.   There's a 
number of reasons for that, which I've discussed before elsewhere, but 
the key things that it boils down to are that we have no control at all 
over external links. One day they might be present, current, correct and 
free of hacks/spam, the next day all of that could have changed.  With 
the Codex we have some more control over all those elements.

So, yeah, some external linking I guess is fine, but much better if our 
own documentation source can be expanded upon, even if it's niche.

(To reference an earlier mention of CSS, there's a section on CSS in the 
Codex http://codex.wordpress.org/CSS that could link off to the more 
specific article, or that article could be moved under it.)

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