[wp-forums] Let me Google that for you

esmi at quirm dot net esmi at quirm.net
Sun Nov 28 20:44:15 UTC 2010

on 28/11/2010 11:12 Peter Westwood said the following:
> Personally I would prefer if we didn't have that kind of response in
> our forums.

With all due respect, that particular poster has a history of asking 
questions that would really be better dealt with via Google. That way, 
he could probably have answered his own questions within a few minutes 
and then posted if there were some points he wasn't sure about. My 
response was a gentle (and hopefully semi-humorous) way of reminding him 
(her?) that he could so his own homework and not keep asking others to 
do it for him.

I deal with dozens of queries every day that could also be dealt with 
via a quick Google but I would never use the same response. It's just 
that every now and then, up pops someone who seems to think that 
wordpress.org support forums are his/her personal research tools. And, 
as I see it, that takes precious time away from those who do need support.

Yes - they can be ignored but they do add to the noise:signal ratio 
which doesn't help when you're trying to stop people bumping topics 
because the forums are "too busy". I honestly don't see why, in these 
repetitive situations, they cannot be pointed in the direction of 
Google. I thought LMGTFY might be a little less... brutal.


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