[wp-forums] Can't pull up a Bozo List

James Huff macmanx at gmail.com
Fri Nov 5 15:16:46 UTC 2010

The user search is notoriously poor.

Searching for mods, admins, and keymasters usually works, but anything else typically requires Otto to actually search through the database.

James Huff

On Nov 5, 2010, at 8:12 AM, Mika A Epstein <ipstenu at ipstenu.org> wrote:

> That said, since a LOT of people got auto-bozo'd, I went and took a look at the Bozo list to skim it and see if Known Cool Dudes were caught.
> The URL is:
> http://wordpress.org/support/bb-admin/users.php?usersearch=&userrole%5B%5D=member&userrole%5B%5D=bozo
> And I got the White Screen of Death. I suspect it's because there are just too many people, but I've tried every combination with search terms I can think of and I can't get anything to show unless it's 'too short' (I used .nz as my search term that time).  Even something like 'dfsdfsdf' as a search term white screens.
> So it's still the old 'Hmm, he's in spam. Why? Oh, he's a bozo!' onesy-twosey checking.
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