[wp-forums] Can't pull up a Bozo List

Mika A Epstein ipstenu at ipstenu.org
Fri Nov 5 15:12:09 UTC 2010

That said, since a LOT of people got auto-bozo'd, I went and took a look at the Bozo list to skim it and see if Known Cool Dudes were caught.

The URL is:

And I got the White Screen of Death. I suspect it's because there are just too many people, but I've tried every combination with search terms I can think of and I can't get anything to show unless it's 'too short' (I used .nz as my search term that time).  Even something like 'dfsdfsdf' as a search term white screens.

So it's still the old 'Hmm, he's in spam. Why? Oh, he's a bozo!' onesy-twosey checking.

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