[wp-forums] Registration page mock image

Mark / t31os wp-t31os at ntlworld.com
Thu Mar 11 16:02:15 UTC 2010

I would like to follow on from the talk yesterday, which did venture 
into other discussion relating to rules, registration and guidelines.

I've created an image of how i feel the registration page could look 
with a few minor adjustments. I have not yet taken into the 
consideration any links to rules or guidelines, i simply want to 
visualize an idea of introducting some minor adjustments to the 
username, email and websites fields during registration, and moving 
around a few pieces of information that already exist (and adding a few 
minor additions).

Bear in mind, the work was done in a graphics application, and text i've 
placed onto the image does look different to that rendered in the 
browser window i used to take a screenshot on the current page.


I felt the mailing list information was misplaced at the top of the 
registration, so the first thing i did was move this below the 
registration fields. In place of this information above the form i've 
added a few lines of generic text, and a key explaining that * (starred 
fields) are required items.

Following on from the suggestion by Mel yesterday i placed a small note 
beside each of the required fields and the website field, the bold text 
indicates that it would be linked to a relevant article to explain the 
meaning (not all users would know what G rated means, and i wasn't able 
to think of a more common).

So, start throwing your critique at me and let's see where we go... :)


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