[wp-forums] how to support your plugin/theme on the forums

Rich Pedley elfin at elfden.co.uk
Wed Jul 21 11:28:54 UTC 2010


Having just released another plugin I once again realised that trying 
to keep track of support questions on the forums isn't easy.

Now currently each plugin can get an automatic tag (same for themes?) 
by the use of it's name. I generally use this to go and check whether 
there is any new posts
eg: http://wordpress.org/tags/eshop

but I have several plugins, and I would love to be able to have one 
page that combined them all.

I assume that isn't currently possible?

So I thought about the best method for combining them. Currently from 
the extend section there is a link to post to the forum:

Could a second tag be auto added as well? (even if hidden) That of the 
authors name, then there would be one page that could list them all.

However I realise that may not be practical, so can we at least have a 
way to list on multiple tags - that would make things so much easier. 
I say list rather than search, so that the output is similar to the 
above page ie http://wordpress.org/tags/eshop



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