[wp-forums] Break time

Handy handy.solo at gmail.com
Sun Apr 15 01:34:18 GMT 2007

I realize (hope?) that I'm not the only one who keeps an eye on the Akismet
queues.  I appear to have developed an obsession.

For instance, I've gotten to the point where I'm making sure I have a break
in between meetings every few hours so that I have a chance to check the
list and release the good posts and delete the spams.  I'm trying to ensure
that folks aren't left in the queue for too many hours.  Hell, it's the
first thing I do in the morning.  I check every few hours throughout the day
and it's the last thing I do at night.  That's just... silly.

So I'm quitting cold turkey.  I need to focus on more important stuff and
nip this silly little obsession.

If you're a mod and haven't discovered where to check the queue, you'll find
it here:

Try and check every now and then?

On perhaps a related note:
Who's in charge of moderators these days?  I'm not sure where we're at for
active mods, but might "we" consider tagging some other poor soul to pitch

I'm not saying I'm quitting mind you.  It seems the way to quit is to just
stop coming by...  But I'm going to be slowing down for a bit.


Handy / chris

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