[wp-forums] Doing it for free. - the people(2)

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Wed May 10 12:17:52 GMT 2006

Petit wrote:
> Couple of questions to anyone initiated:
> Is there an ongoing development of the matter behind the scenes?
> Are there any rumors on the timing of the WP "next" launch?
> Note: I'm not trying to rush things here  - just curious :)

The stumbling point for me is authentication.
It'll be a blog.
They move through pages of info.
They then hit the contact form.
Usual details and in the text area they enter their PIN (ideally this 
would be an extra field)
What happens to that PIN?

cc'ing that contact to everyone cannot be done.

So who gets it?
That person can then pass it on to an installer, but who gets that first 
email? It could go to an address belonging to one of us but... I don't know.

This is the one bit that stops me.

How do we protect their information to the greatest degree?

All ideas / processes very welcome indeed.


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