[wp-forums] Installing for free

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Fri Jul 14 20:56:56 GMT 2006

> All of you please keep up the good work!
and this was echoed by Russ.

A couple of points:
- this isn't about me, it's about everyone who contributes
constructively to this list and everyone who takes the time to come back
to the forum and answer a question. Of course some of us have well worn
seats there but the people with problems don't care who answers, just
that they get an answer (which is a whole new bag of spanners for
another day). Want to be someone's hero? It's easy - give them their answer.

- the fact that you both (Westi & Russ) have said what you did speaks
volumes. It means that the idea was sound, the discussion was sound, the
decisions were sound. It meant that you had no cause to intervene
because all of us were hitting the right lines - or at least not going
wildly wrong. So we DID do things right despite the fact there are only
a few of us that chatter away here. It's comments like yours that make
me realise we didn't screw up.

Going back to my 'attitude' though - it's beyond frustrating when time
has been taken to do something I genuinely believe is needed, when the
issue has been brought into the open and feedback invited yet some
choose to remain silent and wait. I'm not the only one I'm sure.

Anyway, people are asking, people are getting and no-one has yet run
screaming to the forum that they are being hacked.
That's how success is measured isn't it?

Kudos to all of us :)


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