[wp-forums] Forum moderation

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Sat Jul 1 22:59:26 GMT 2006

Lara @ Anubis Marketing wrote:
> One more thing - now that whoo's thread has been closed (rather than just
> the non-important posts being deleted), no one can either help her, or ask
> questions or seek clarification when they too run into the same problem. How
> is that productive or conducive to the forum's goals?

The thread is closed.
Agree with it or not, two points:
- we can't have mods worrying about using their judgement. Things like
this on the list are enough of a reminder of not just how we should act
but also the scrutiny we are put under.
- we can't go opening closed threads based on votes elsewhere (I know
that's now what you meant Lara, I was just saying..)

A thread reported here the other day (look up a couple of posts). I had
to delete several posts before it made sense to a future reader and then
I could close it. IF a post is found before a followup, it's easy -
delete it. But if someone has posted on and made reference to the bad
post, you then need to delete that too. Or edit out the part that refers
to the bad post. And if another person weighs in ....
Unless it's really bad that it does warrant nuking many posts, isn't it
better just to close? The thread that started this tonight - one person
comes out of it looking intelligent and constructive. The other does not.

And it _is_ just a locked thread. Discussions about issues around these
things are good and we should dig over what has been done, look at how
it all can be done better - but that needs to move away from this thread
into one of it's own.


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