[wp-forums] Nobody owns my images-solved

Petit petit at petitpub.com
Mon Feb 20 18:46:00 GMT 2006

Petit wrote:

>>I have sifted through some documents at the Apache site and googled
>>around, but I cannot find any references to a solution.
Podz wrote

>It is almost always possible to move them.
>So if a file is not wanted anymore, create a dump folder '/dump' and
>move everything into that with the ftp client.
>When it is full enough, ask your host to nuke it. From their point it is
>much easier to nuke one folder that you have uniquely named than giving
>them a list of this that and the other.
The problem with this is, that in the case of WordPress, you have to 
scrap whole folders, as you cannot open a folder owned by the web server 
account. If you just want to change one image it's not possible. If you 
could upload images to one predefined directory, you would create that 
directory under you own user and be able to reach each individual image.

>The above works - I've used it on a host before.
>And this issue of file ownership is not limited to WP. Gallery programs
>can have the same problems.
No the problem exists in any case where file upload is handled by a 
script, that is not allowed to  make system calls under the script 
owners  credentials. The ideal solution would be if the upload script 
allowed a login to the user account before creating any folders or files 
( as in FTP/Telnet ).

My concerns may be somewhat obsolete. I hadn't tested the new upload 
system in WP 2.01, where the problem seem to be solved already. You now 
have the option of selecting an upload folder that you have created 
under you own user. No new folders are created by the the upload script 
in that case. The images you upload are still owned by the web server ( 
or script engine ) account, but as the owner of the containing 
ddirectory, you have ever right on the images.

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