[wp-forums] Forum Evolution

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Sat Aug 5 19:19:44 GMT 2006

There have been some suggestions here at Wordcamp:

- have new forums to help break issues down so that it is easier for
people to find help and easier for people to want to help to do so.

- to have some form of recognition for those answering to encourage
repeat visits

- to have some form of encouraging new answerers

So ....... I know we've done this before and I know what was said, but
it's been asked, time has passed so we should re-address.

Bearing in mind the above and the wider community, if you could improve
the forums in 3 ways, what would they be and why?

(note - changing to alternative forum software is not on this agenda and
would be a pointless post.)

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