[wp-forums] How to correct wrong answers

Handy handy.solo at gmail.com
Fri Apr 21 13:22:27 GMT 2006

On 4/21/06, Michael E. Hancock <mhancock at us.net> wrote:
> On more than one occassion Podz has mentioned that there are people who
> "consistently give poor advice" in the Forums.
> In general, I believe people try to give the best answer, even if it is
> just
> a link to Codex or a link Podz's site.  But when it happens, is there a
> diplomatic way to inform people they've provided the incorrect answer to a
> question?
> You'd like to think that anyone giving incorrect answers, would appreciate
> knowing the CORRECT answer, so that next time they can do a better job of
> answering the question.  If we know people are providing incorrect
> information, isn't it our job to point that out and educate the forum
> volunteer?
> Thanks for any thoughts on this matter.

If you can, without a doubt, discern that a volunteer's answer is wrong than
certainly you should reply with a "I beg to differ, but I was thinking
perhaps THIS approach might work better" and lay out your response from
there.  Or something somewhat along those lines.

Trick is, with some of the information an OP might provide, getting any sort
of answer at all can be a crap shoot...

I can think of a handful of volunteers who will reply back with all guns
blazing no matter how you phrase it... but that's just part of the fun I

But yeah, speaking as a volunteer: if I'm screwing folks up I'd sure like to
hear about it.

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