[wp-forums] Err, spiraling out of control?

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Tue Apr 4 10:25:38 GMT 2006

Michael B wrote:
> On 4/4/06, Podz <podz at tamba2.org.uk> wrote:
>>> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/67498?replies=16
>> Regardless of anyone's site, opinions or otherwise if they ask for help
>> we should give it.
> That's not always the case, is it?  I mean, in general, splog-ish sites,
> even WP powered, don't really get forum love.

True - but I'd like to think we know the difference and the reasons for it.

>> A couple of years ago or even more recently people would come to the
>> forums having tons of errors. I remember someone with over 460 - but
>> forums help and people did and the post people make when together with
>> forum helpers they make their site validate is wonderful to read - you
>> can tell they are really pleased. And isn't that why we do it?
> Absolutely, but even some gentle ribbing aside, when someone who has no idea
> what the problem is responds with:
>> Thanks anyway. That's not the issue. How about staying on topic, please.
> people tend to get turned off. It wasn't like he asked, "Why should I
> validate?"

That is OUR fault for not communicating the need properly. The OP is 
confused, frustrated and we need to be clear about what will help and 
why it will help.

>> Someone write a really good post about validation and why it's important

> When did we get all elite? When did we raise the bar for all questions?
>> When did we decide that we want it good before we move to help?
> Sorta like being a doctor only wanting to work with pretty little kids with
> running noses and avoiding the lepers...

I have no idea what that means. Not a clue. If there is an implication, 
it just whooooshed over my head.

We all have bad days. We all get frustrated - but we don't have to be 
there, users do because the forum is a source of help not further 
We are meant to be calm, level-headed and able to see the problem 
clearly even though they cannot. And unless we communicate properly then 
we are failing to do what we go there to do - help.
So what if it takes 20 lines to type not 3 + a link?


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