[wp-forums] Err, spiraling out of control?

Michael B miklb.online at gmail.com
Tue Apr 4 10:09:27 GMT 2006

On 4/4/06, Podz <podz at tamba2.org.uk> wrote:
> > http://wordpress.org/support/topic/67498?replies=16
> Regardless of anyone's site, opinions or otherwise if they ask for help
> we should give it.

That's not always the case, is it?  I mean, in general, splog-ish sites,
even WP powered, don't really get forum love.

> A couple of years ago or even more recently people would come to the
> forums having tons of errors. I remember someone with over 460 - but
> forums help and people did and the post people make when together with
> forum helpers they make their site validate is wonderful to read - you
> can tell they are really pleased. And isn't that why we do it?

Absolutely, but even some gentle ribbing aside, when someone who has no idea
what the problem is responds with:

> Thanks anyway. That's not the issue. How about staying on topic, please.

people tend to get turned off. It wasn't like he asked, "Why should I

> Someone write a really good post about validation and why it's important
> from our point of view. Then we can usefully point people at it.

I'll begin working on something.  I started to do that in the  thread, but
kept  getting hung up on that response, and felt the reply kept focusing on
that poster, and not the issue in general.

When did we get all elite? When did we raise the bar for all questions?
> When did we decide that we want it good before we move to help?

Sorta like being a doctor only wanting to work with pretty little kids with
running noses and avoiding the lepers...

And getting back to validation - I've seen posts where someone has
> directed the OP to get validated first even when the validation errors
> are very minor and have zero impact on appearance or functionality. It's
> not a cloak to hide behind.

Agreed, and I will  address that in the  post.

Anyone spot the link spammer? It's in their interests to stir the pot..
> so they duck under the noise.

Sync Master.  I'm not sure his link was the same when I looked at the thread
originally, as I checked all the  IPs and  links from those I didn't


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